Yachting News

A Letter to the DWY Family | David Walters Yachts

Written by Josh McLean | (31 Mar, 2020 - 4:00 AM)

To our Friends & DWY Family:

Being stationary goes against the very nature of those of us who enjoy the pleasures of the sea. We tend to have a wanderlust about us and a desire to keep moving toward the next destination. However, for now, we remain static, waiting for this storm to pass.

For those most fortunate, we have found solace in the family around us. Perhaps, if there is a silver lining to this, we're enjoying the time we have with them. For those with family or friends battling this, we wish them a speedy recovery.  And to those who themselves are on the frontline of this pandemic, selflessly putting themselves in harm's way for the health of others, we cannot express how grateful we are.

What we do know is that despite the challenges and hardships, Sailors are resourceful, adaptive, and flexible. That as much as anything is our greatest strength. We'll all come through this together, hopefully as quickly as responsibly possible.

Until then, while our physical offices remain closed, we remain fully functional and ready to assist. We have activated the live chat on our website, will be releasing a schedule of virtual open houses and live seminars, and every Friday from 4 PM to 6 PM, we will host a live stream Happy Hour Yacht Chat. For those interested in more information about our listings, we are available for live video tours of local boats or virtual tours from our website. Check the events page of our website for more details. All our brokers are also available on their mobile phones, and their numbers are listed below.

 From all of us on the David Walters Yachts Team, we wish you and your family good health and all the best. We look forward to seeing you when this is behind us. Stay safe.



Josh McLean
President, David Walters Yachts